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(1)Definition of plastic processing

Plastic processing is a basic metal processing technology which produces plastic deformation and obtain the desired shape, size and performance products under the action of external force (usually pressure).

(2)Types of plastic processing

There are many kinds of plastic processing. According to the force and deformation of the work piece in processing, the basic plastic processing is: forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing, drawing, bending, shearing and so on.

(3)The characteristics of friction in plastic processing

The unit pressure of the contact surface is large, hot working: 100-150MPa, cold processing 500-2500MPa.
The contact surface humidity is relatively high, the hot working temperature is 800-1200 degrees, and the cold working is 200-300 degrees. The internal structure and performance change, surface oxidation and lubricity are tested.

Due to deformation at high pressure, the new contact surface will increase continuously. The plastic flow around the contact surface is different, so the friction is different.

(4)Properties of plastic processing oil


Excellent lubricity can improve machining speed, improve product precision and enhance the service life of work piece and tool.

⑵Oil film bearing capacity

High strength oil film bearing capacity helps to improve the contact surfaces of workpiece and tool, reduce wear and save storage.

⑶Anti-rust, corrosion resistance and pollution resistance

It is necessary to ensure normal degreasing and low pollution after processing.

⑷Economic, and waste oil is easy to deal with

Cutting fluidANTI-RUST OIL

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Sales department: :Mr Zhu 18114866558  Tel:0510-8378 5699  Fax:0510-5378 5689  Website:yzanjia.cn  
Address:No.1, Wankun Road, Xibei Town, Xishan DIstrict, Wuxi City, Jiangsu